Drug addiction are one of the most severe glitches in modern society. This global problem exists in almost every country: people of all ages, genders and social statuses suffer from drugs. This “poison” takes the lives of masses of people every year. Even those who understand all the dangers occasionally cannot get rid of the addiction on their own and need help.

Today, we can and must fight drug addiction. Who will help us with this? Drug addiction, not only drug addiction but also alcoholism, gambling, and antidepressants, are studied in so-called detoxification centres. They also grow and apply various methods of drug addiction treatment and rehabilitation. You can read more about drug addiction treatment here at this link.

Unfortunately, the drug problem is on the rise every year. In addition, a growing number of adolescents and children try drugs at an early age. The United States has the highest number of drug-related deaths, followed by Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Sweden, Russia and China.

This problem cannot be ignored. It is also essential to seek the qualified help of narcologists and psychotherapists. Regardless of a person’s stage of addiction, they can be helped and brought back to a healthy, drug-free life.

Why Do People Turn Into Drug Addicts?

The reasons are always different, and it is impossible to say for sure why there are so many drug addicts in the world. On the other hand, you can classify the main factors that most often lead a person to use illegal substances.

First, these are depressive states. A person starts using drugs because they are depressed and want to get rid of them. Unfortunately, drugs do not help in this condition but lead to even more severe consequences. Other internal mental struggles, both with oneself and with loved ones, can also lead to drugs and addiction.

Second, there is the interest. Unfortunately, not only grownups but also children are attentive to drugs. They are the ones who most often try substances banned out of interest. Then, the interest turns into addiction. It’s hazardous.

A similar reason is the search for new sensations, adrenaline and emotions. A lot of people think they can avoid addiction, but statistics prove that is not true.

Signs That Somebody Has Become Addicted And Needs Help

Signs That Somebody Has Become Addicted And Needs Help

Attention! The indications of drug addiction are discrete; they depend on the character, physiological and psychological characteristics, as well as the type of drug. If you notice any signs of addiction, be sure to seek help.

  • The addict’s behavior changes. You may become more aggressive or listless, extremely agitated or sleepy.
  • Changes in the body many signs indicate that a person has become addicted to drugs: dilated pupils, injection marks, thinness, diseased skin, etc.
  • Unfortunately, drugs are almost always conveyed by dangerous diseases, such as AIDS, hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases, etc.
  • Drugs, sooner or later, lead to social problems, loss of jobs, and financial difficulties. Many drug addicts become criminals.
  • If you notice these emblems in a friend, coworker, or family member, seek professional help. Don’t ignore the problem.
  • There are several stages of drug addiction. In the initial phase, a person tries drugs “for fun”, seeks new experiences, and does not consider himself a person with an addiction.

In the second stage, which occurs very fast, a person becomes actually and mentally dependent on the drug. At this point, a person can no longer live generally without a “dose.” At this point, changes in social behaviour, communication problems, money theft, and other crimes can begin.

In the third stage, brain changes occur, the personality deteriorates, and a person has a constant need for drugs.

Drug Addiction Treatment

Let’s say right away that you can ditch the drug anytime you want, but the sooner rehab begins, the better.

Addiction centres that study numerous addictions and develop methods to get rid of them

Usually, it all starts with a discussion with a psychotherapist and a narcologist. The goal of the conferences is to find the motivation to quit. If a person does not need to get rid of the problem on his own, it won’t be easy to help him. Psychotherapy becomes a significant factor in rescue.

At the initial period of therapy, it is vital to motivate a person to find arguments for a healthy lifestyle and a complete rejection of drugs. Sometimes, this is time-consuming, requiring multiple sessions with a narcologist and psychiatrist, who will determine the cause of the addiction and help the person understand why they need treatment.

Also, therapy usually involves detoxification. The timing and methods of purification depend on the type of drug, the time of use, the stage of addiction, and the individual characteristics of the organism. Modern detoxification methods make this process as comfortable as possible, taking into account the condition of the dependent individual.

Then, a course of therapy begins, which may contain medical action. At the same time, the leading goal is not to make a person dependent on other drugs. Unfortunately, getting rid of one addiction often leads to another due to the use of potent drugs. Treatment is usually carried out in a stationary hospital to monitor the patient’s condition.

Support during the rehabilitation period is also essential. Once a person leaves the centre, they need the support of their family and friends, as well as their mentor and psychotherapist, who will help them to adjust to a new drug-free life and to stop doing it and not fall back into addiction.

Modern addiction and rehabilitation centres are comfortable hospitals that offer comprehensive and individual therapy programs.

Don’t be afraid, and don’t hesitate to ask for help if you or your friends become addicted to drugs. Remember that drugs are pure evil and must be fought. Getting back to a healthy lifestyle can be difficult at times, but it is possible. The main thing is to find the strength to take the first step and seek qualified help.